RYTHMONUTRITION (RITMONUTRICIÓN®) means learning to listen to the biological clock of our body to know what foods to eat, what time of day and the reason why.
In our western societies, we are exposed to overabundance of very high-calorie foods and the industrialization of foods that leads to the impoverishment of protein, minerals, vitamins and other elements essential to the body, and given this need, a contribution of all micronutrients is extremely necessary, but it is also important to be done when the body assimilates it better.
The functions of our body are regulated by hormones.
Some are secreted at certain times and in different amounts, the time they are secreted determines the effectiveness. For example, it has been proved that hormones like insulin (which helps to prevent diabetes) are subject to fluctuations throughout the day; drugs according to schedule are more or less assimilated by our body and are consequently prescribed at a specific time when they have greater therapeutic action.
The reason why we generally feel sleepy when the sun goes down and awake when it comes out, are just examples of how our body works in relation to the different times of the day.
In order to have a better idea of what is meant by this, it is important to understand that all processes in our body are determined by these biological clocks.
As in nutrition, these concepts are taken into account because it concerns providing nourishment by feeding our body according to the best timing and assimilation; when we apply this concept we are talking about Rythmonutrition.